
Verband der Europäischen Bettfedern- und Bettwarenindustrie e.V.
(European Down and Feather Association)
Thomas-Mann-Straße 9
D-55122 Mainz
Tel: +49 (0)6131 588560

Chairman: Ms. Petra Gerlach
Management: Dr. Juliane Hedderich
Registration court: Amtsgericht Mainz (Local court)
Association Registration Number: VR 2557

Responsible for the content in accordance with section 10 subs. 3 of the German Interstate Media Services Agreement (MDStV): Dr. Juliane Hedderich (address as above)

Information on Liability
We cannot accept any liability for information contained in external links, although we have previously researched the content with due diligence. The content providers of these sites alone are responsible for the content published therein.

Data Protection Information
EDFA is happy to welcome you on this website: we are pleased with your interest in the information we provide. We take the protection of your personal information seriously and want you to feel safe and comfortable when visiting our web pages.

The Legal Position
The German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) and subsequently also the German Teleservices Data Protection Act (Teledienstedatenschutzgesetz) are the laws which protect personally identifiable information in Germany. These are data which refer to natural persons. Data on legal entities are not covered by these laws. Personally identifiable information are data that can be related to you as a specific person (such as your name, telephone number or e-mail address). Information which cannot be connected directly to your real identity does not fall under this act (such as the websites you visit).

General Information
We do not collect any personally identifiable information, if you merely visit our website. You can therefore visit our web pages without telling us who you are. We only obtain the name of your internet service provider and the IP-address used to access our web presence, the website from which you are visiting us and the pages of our website which you are accessing. These data are evaluated for statistical purposes so that we are able to continuously improve our website. Your identity will not be disclosed in the process.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data
Each time a user accesses our website, i.e. each time a user tries to retrieve data from a server or actually does so, the information concerning this process is stored in a log file. This information is not personally identifiable, which means that we cannot trace back which data have been accessed by whom.

In the following you will find a detailed list of the data, which will be stored each time the website is accessed:

  • the name of the accessed file
  • the date and time it was accessed
  • the amount of data transmitted
  • a report, whether the retrieval was successful
  • a report, why the retrieval failed, if applicable
  • the name of your internet service provider (i.e., our log file only shows, for example, that any one AOL-user or any one T-Online-user accessed our website, but not which user exactly)
  • your computer’s operating system and browser software, if applicable
  • and the website from which you are accessing our pages.

We collect and process all of the above mentioned information exclusively for statistical purposes. We will use these data in order to constantly improve our web presence for you.

Use and Transfer of Personal Data and Purpose Limitation
Personal data will only be collected if you voluntarily give these data to us, i.e. if you send us a request via e-mail or contact us via a website.

All personal data obtained in relation to our website will be gathered, processed and used according to the at the time relevant data protection acts exclusively for the purpose of providing the services requested by you or to respond to your requests. As part of providing the requested services and to respond to your requests we commission service providers (e.g. letter and parcel delivery services). The service providers have a contractual obligation to comply with the data protection laws.